About me!

Thanks for taking the time to visit my site. I hope you find what you’re looking for and leave a little different than when you showed up. I’m very grateful, honored and humbled that you dropped in for a visit.

So a little about me!  My name is Lisa Z Blady and before we go any further, I’ll answer the number one question that you already have, “What does the “Z” stand for?” I get asked this all the time! The “Z” stands for “Zeringue”, my maiden name. I love seeing it squished between my first and last name, partly because it’s a great conversation starter with strangers and second because it keeps me tethered to my dad, I love legacy. Which is one of the reasons that I felt drawn to write this book.

LeLis with Lennon, Remi and Hayes

LeLis with Lennon, Remi and Hayes

I grew up with four other siblings and though we didn’t have much money, mom and dad always seemed to create great memories, I thought we were rich!  We lived five blocks from one set of grandparents and saw the other set every other Sunday.  As a little girl, I loved going to church as a family on Sunday mornings because for one we were all together and two, I always felt different we I left, better, changed, clean.  It was very common for daddy to stop at the local grocery store for hot French bread to share (okay, so we fought over it) as we drove to Grandma and Grandpa’s in Breaux Bridge!

Life went on and I later married, divorced and raised my son as a single parent.  We were very fortunate to live in the same home my grandparents lived in that was only five blocks from where I grew up.  My son loved going to “Maw Maw and Pops” where he could explore the neighborhood on his bicycle, help count cups of rice with Maw Maw as she prepared dinner and ride with Pop on his lawnmower as he cut grass on their half acre lot.  Life was good and the legacy continued.

I’ve since moved from Louisiana to Florida to pursue a career path in corporate sales.  That little boy grew up, all the grandparents have since passed away and Steven is now married with his own crew of little girls to raise!  It was so important for me to stay connected to my granddaughters, so for four years I made the five-hour drive back to Louisiana every two to three weeks, just to have develop and maintain that relationship.  After years of begging him to move near me, God opened a door for him to take on the role as a worship leader at Destiny Worship Center in Destin, Florida, where he is being planted, matured and trained.  

So now it’s my turn, my time, my season, my responsibility if you will to pass on what was passed on to me.  I still see my three little granddaughters every two to three weekends, but this time they’re only twenty minutes from me and not five hours.  My home is always filled with screams, toys (scattered), laughter and crying mostly which I feel are coming from me! I wouldn’t change it for a second.  If I could do anything in life, it would be to just sit and watch them breathe, never wanting to miss a moment of their life experiences and pour into them stories about all of the people who came before them that made them into who they are today.

Which is what lead me to start a series of books, first of which starts out with “Sons & Daughters Emerging, A Prayer Strategy For Millennial Parents”.

I hope and pray that you take the time to read Sons & Daughters and realize that you have the power to pass on generational blessings to your next generation through prayer!